It's a little last-minute, but we thought next Saturday 27th April from 10am to 12pm would offer a window between the Easter holidays and the interminable upcoming May "ponts". Here's the agenda:
1. Introduction, roundtable presentation of new members
2. info concerning the reorganisation of TLN and TLNS
3. the TLN website (what to put in it, etc.) Ian Bailey's presentation followed by a discussion including:
- a page for paying membership subscriptions online
- 'TLN blog' could merge into the website or not
4. subscriptions (How much? Do we want categories of membership, with varying levels of subscription?)
5. other events? (a drinks get-together? training events? coaching news?)
6. A call for ideas concerning the promotion of the BEST tests (contacts in engineering schools, universities, companies, professional unions/associations...)
7. FBCCI events
8. AOB