Here is the programme for the Independents' Forum meeting on Saturday 22nd June, 9.30-12.30/12.45. The event will take place at : ENOES, 62, rue de Miromesnil 75008 PARIS Take the stairs at the back of the courtyard, go up to the first floor and we're...
We would like to invite you to our next virtual Independents' Forum meeting on: Saturday 4th December 2021, 10:00-13:00 Lien d’invitation : Code secret 296277 Proposed themes for discussion - please feel free to make...
Dear members, It seems inadequate, even indecent, in these times to simply wish people a Happy New Year. It smacks of more of the same, a repetition of past mistakes, a continuation of the past year’s events, a vicious cycle - whereas we are in desperate...
BE YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND FOREVER A FREE 1-Hour workshop by Zoom led by TLN member Karen Darmon Session 1: 21st July 2020, 6pm Session 2: 27th August 2020, 6pm “Most of the shadows of life are caused by standing in our own sunshine” Ralph Waldo Emerson...
It has been only weeks since the law 'Liberté de Choisir Son Avenir Professionnel' was passed and that we moved into phase 2 of the CPF era. Wasn't it supposed to be all about allowing individuals easier access to training and more freedom of choice?...
L'article 10 de l'arrêté du 30 juillet 2018 susvisé est ainsi modifié : 1° Au troisième alinéa, après les mots : " Une certification du niveau qu'il a obtenu ", sont insérés les mots : " ... The French government has just passed a law making it compulsory...
Pole emploi pourra abonder des dossiers A partir du printemps 2020, les demandeurs d'emploi pourront faire individuellement une demande d'abondement à Pôle emploi via MonCompteFormation. En juin ... We have all been wondering how to manage CPF contracts...
The next session of Erickson's ' High Performance Team Coaching ' with Moëra SAULE, PCC, which will take place on: Friday November 29 - Sunday December 1, 2019 9:30 - 17:30 This 3-day program supports participants in taking their offer to the next level,...
This has been a long time coming, I know! Some of you have already managed to upload your CPF catalogues without any help and you deserve a huge pat on the back if that's the case. Our EDOF account has been blocked by bugs unfortunately and we are only...
Here is the recording of yesterday's very rich Independents' Forum discussions. I wasn't able to break it up into sections...
Nous sommes un centre linguistique qui est spécialisé dans les immersions totales pour adultes. Nous permettons à des participants de passer un palier dans leur pratique de la langue anglais. Ces séjours de 5 jours sont animés par différents profils de...
We had another lively Independents' Forum last Saturday, even though there were only 15 of us. Here is the recording: Code secret : 0XMX7SZ@...
The annual TESOL France Colloquium (online this year of course) is coming up and it's time to register. We highly recommend that you make the most of this opportunity to connect with other...
1) LA BOUTIQUE DU CPF is looking for distance trainers for individual CPF courses. They pay distance trainers 28-30€/hour (invoicing only). Contact: Mme ANDREA Assistante administrative LA BOUTIQUE DU CPF 107 Bis Boulevard Soult 75012 Paris...
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the lndependents' Forum last Saturday! Here is the recording of the whole 3h16 mins! (Code secret:...
Feel like a complete change of direction and enjoy working with children? The Montessori school in Nogent-sur-Marne is looking for a full-time teaching assistant for this rentrée. See the complete ad in the attachment. Contact details: Laurène Macé Directrice...
As well as adapting to delivering our training at a distance, as small businesses we are all starting to think about the potential financial costs of this war-like situation we are currently in. Just sharing a communication sent out by the SYCFI this...
A 1-day workshop in Paris led by Christina Rebuffet-Broadus 29th February 2020 Venue: The Irish Cultural Centre, 5, rue des Irlandais, 75005 PARIS Enrolment deadline: 15th February 2020 Cost: € 250 TTC (€ 208,33 HT) This workshop will cover 3 essential...
If you're needing a boost at the beginning of this year you might think of attending this workshop next Saturday in Paris. This isn't a new method, but it ties in very well with what we now know about the brain etc. And Lonny makes it such fun! ******************************************************...
Some good news for 2021! New measures on FNE-Training funding have been announced by the government. I am enclosing the details of these measures in the attachment. Here is a summary of the important points: - Companies with fewer than 300 employees will...
If you are wondering what a training course offer actually looks like for a user then have a look at this course we published.
1) The Language Network Services is looking for experienced trainers to teach a range of Legal English courses for one of its clients, a large law firm, Paris 1er. Small group sessions Telephone lessons Small group exam preparation (TOEIC) The students...
Hello all TLN coaches, FYI, this one-day workshop is open to all trained coaches, wherever they have done their training. See programme below. Venue : Forum 104 – 104, rue Vaugirard – Paris 6e Tariffs : Alumni Erickson Coaching France : 190 € Public :...
In the context of the ongoing professional development that we all need to think about and implement for Qualiopi (whether you are doing it yourself or planning to work through another certified organisation), here is a suggestion: For $12.99 per month...
1) Technical English writing project L’un de mes clients souhaite créer des tutos en Anglais et Vidéo en Anglais à des fins pédagogiques mais sur des aspects techniques. Je recherche une personne de langue maternelle Anglaise, ayant une excellente maitrise...