Kalin Linsberg, English teacher at EST (Ecole supérieure de transports), located in Paris, is looking for a replacement teacher for the following dates:
Wednesday 19th June 14h - 17h30 (1st year, middle group/intermediate, Transport & Logistics)
Wednesday 26th June 9h - 12h30 (2nd year, middle group/intermediate, Transport & Logistics)
It's Year 1 and 2 of students doing a Master's in Transport & Logistics Management. There are 3 groups at the school and this is the intermediate group. Kalin will fill you in on the curriculum and share some specific material with you. You'll just need to adapt some material and add your own flavour.
Address of the school: E.S.T. 62 Rue de Miromesnil, 75008 Paris.
Status: auto-entrepreneur/independent
Fee : 70€/hour (to be billed directly to EST)