The Language Network Members' Blog

Keeping in touch with our members

Jobs 30th January 2023

Jobs 30th January 2023

1) Need teacher for replacement class, Tuesday Feb 7th, Paris

date : next week Tuesday, February 7th

time : 10:00 to 1:30 &/or 2:00 to 5:30. 

place : next to the Musée Branly by the Eiffel Tower.  (If you have never been to the Musée Branly, I'll treat you to entry tickets after the course)

One day of English for a group of 6 bartenders who are training to be managers and need to practice situations they encounter in their jobs

I can't do the full day because I have to leave for a 1:30 Titre de Séjour appointment, but I will be with you part of the morning and in the afternoon.   And I have materials to use. 

If you can't do the entire day, but just the morning or the afternoon, it would be a great help. 

level :  B1 /  Bartenders are a fun, outgoing bunch who are at ease doing role plays and sketches.

remuneration : depending on your experience... plus a lifetime of free drinks at the various establishments managed by these newly minted executive bartenders !

contact : Curtis Bartosik


2) Online tutoring of a 14 year-old girl preparing for the "Brevet des Collègues"

A 14 year-old girl living in Fontainebleau is looking for a tutor to help her prepare for her "Brevet des collèges" in June, which she will be presenting in Engllish.

The tuition can be mainly online, but they would also like some face-to-face contact (if possible).

The tuition will focus on:

- speaking

- sentence construction

- tenses

Contact info:

Marie-Catherine Lejard

06 86 46 60 85


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