The Language Network Members' Blog

Keeping in touch with our members

Independents' Forum, Saturday 10th December 2022 (recording)

Independents' Forum, Saturday 10th December 2022 (recording)

10.30-11.45        Update on changes to the CPF environment

  • Eligible certifications – be ready to share your experiences of the new ones and old revamped ones.
  • Accessing MonCompteFormation with Digital ID - how is this going down with your clients? Is it a barrier?
  • The Amendement N°13 du 3 octobre 2022 « Lutter contre les abus et les fraudes au Compte Personnel de Formation » currently being discussed.

11.45-13.00       Feedback on the audit de surveillance from those who have done it

 – what were the auditors focussing on?

Did you get any surprises? What were your ‘non conformités’ if any?

13.00-13.20       AOB

Thanks to all the participants for their contributions!

Here's the link to the recording (which begins just after we started talking about CPF certifications, and Toeic in the first instance)
Code secret : $P&3eMKx

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