7 Septembre 2022
Ever considered the similarities between the game of POKER and the WORKING WORLD?
(Risk, strategy, money, high stakes, pressure, bluff…sound familiar?)
Interested in playing/learning how to play POKER and having FUN while at the same time exploring how you make decisions and react to emotions in high-stakes situations? Coaching Poker Management (CPM) is for you!
The concept, developed by Coheliance, a Professional Development Firm, is original, off-beat and fun. You play POKER at a real table (chips and all!) and get immediate feedback on decision-making, behavior, reactions, and emotions in this high-risk context. At the end of the day, you will not only know how to play POKER, but will also possess precious information as to how you might develop new winning behaviors and strategies.
How might having that up your game as a manager and a person?
Coheliance is organizing a special all-day CPM session in English in Paris on October 5th from 9-12:30 pm / 2:00 – 5:30 pm at a 50% discount rate with CPM coach-in-training,
See full description in the pdf attached.
For more information contact TLN member Benjamin SOLOMON (ACC).
Coaching Poker Management® is a registered approach and exclusive to Coheliance.