3 Août 2022
1) Young lady looking for help with IELTS WRITING in August
She has already taken the IELTS, but got a low mark on the WRITING.
She'd like to find someone to help her get a higher score on the WRITING when she retakes the test last week of August.
Please contact her father Cyrille at cyrille.chignardet@experquiz.com or +33 (0)6 60 03 94 77, mentioning Claire Oldmeadow.
2) Doctor looking for help preparing complete IELTS test
My specialist is looking for a teacher to help him prepare the IELTS exam which he needs to pass to be able to work in the UK.
He is an immunologist and also does research, gives lectures and is an interesting & kind person.
He would like online classes as he works both in France and Portugal and often travels.
I saw him recently and said I would try to find him a good match to help him achieve his goal. (I can't/am not available for this).
Below is a link to some of his videos in English so that you can have a better idea of his level:
Please contact me at cristinepowell@hotmail.com for more information.
I am available/reachable until 19 August and then after that date I likely won't be checking my emails /available until after September 5.