The Language Network Members' Blog

Keeping in touch with our members

Independent's Forum 25.06.22 (Recording)

Independent's Forum 25.06.22 (Recording)

We had another lively Independents' Forum last Saturday, even though there were only 15 of us.

Here is the recording:
Code secret : 0XMX7SZ@

Thanks to all the contributors, especially to Kathleen Curtin for providing notes about her 2nd Qualiopi audit even though she couldn't attend.

I'm attaching below:

- The notes about solutions for getting presence sheets signed at a distance (still a work in progress)

- Kathleen's notes about the Qualiopi audit

We will certainly be organising a complete session on the Qualiopi 'audit de surveillance' when we have a few members who have gone through the experience.





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