The Language Network Members' Blog

Keeping in touch with our members

TLN Professional Development Workshop this evening 6.30pm!

TLN Professional Development Workshop this evening 6.30pm!

In case you missed the information, this evening we have our Professional Drvelopment Webinar n°5 which will be led by TLN member Greg Williams on the theme of:

Learning to adapt to the learner

Time: 18.30-20.00

Lien d’invitation :

Code secret 490504


First part (1/2 hour to ¾ hour)

  • Powerpoint presentation (theory with examples)

Second part:

  • Open discussion with participants (pros/cons, questions/answers, audience contributions)



  • Introduce notions of learner psychology (brain-based concepts in coaching + suggestopedia, NLP, etc)
  • Understand the steps in language acquisition (the path from unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence)
  • Apply class activities with these notions in mind

Feel free to jump in!


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