The Language Network Members' Blog

Keeping in touch with our members

Professional Development Workshop 5 - Tuesday 17th May 2022 (adapting to the learner)

Professional Development Workshop 5 - Tuesday 17th May 2022 (adapting to the learner)

We are delighted to announce our Professional Drvelopment Webinar n°5 which will be led by TLN member Greg Williams on the theme of:

Learning to adapt to the learner

When: Tuesday 17th May 18.30-20.00

Where: By Zoom


  • Introduce notions of learner psychology (brain-based concepts in coaching + suggestopedia, NLP, etc)
  • Understand the steps in language acquisition (the path from unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence)
  • Apply class activities with these notions in mind


First part (1/2 hour to ¾ hour)

  • Powerpoint presentation (theory with examples)

Second part:

  • Open discussion with participants (pros/cons, questions/answers, audience contributions)


  • 1h30 in total

Com media:

  • Via Zoom
  • Greg's email will be submitted to share docs, files, ideas, opportunities…

Please write to to reserve your place.

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I was really sorry to have missed this webinar, not having attended the one on the 10th May and, above all, not having received notification via email as usual. Maybe an oversight? That'll teach me to read the blog more regularly and not just when I get a 'push' notification!<br /> Anyway, would it be possible to receive any documents from the session or, even better, have a link to a recording, if there was one?<br /> Many thanks, ian
Hi Ian, we don't record these sessions but Greg will provide a powerpoint that I'll post here. I don't know why you didn't see the info about this. It was sent out via the usual channels.