The Language Network Members' Blog

Keeping in touch with our members

Professional Development Workshop 2 - Wednesday 16 February 6.30pm

Professional Development Workshop 2 - Wednesday 16 February 6.30pm

We are pleased to announce our 2nd professional development workshop on Wednesday 16th March 2022 from 6.30pm to 8.00pm.

This interactive workshop by Zoom will be led by TLN member Julian Penney.

Julian will be presenting the method he created called Thinking in English®

This 90-minute session will be an introduction to a more formalised 3 X 2-hour training program to form an integral part of independents’ training obligations.

  • What is Thinking in English®?
  • Thinking in English® shows French students of English how to take a complementary approach other than translating the French in their minds directly into English. As we know, that doesn’t produce credible English; it produces French - but using English words.
  • Thinking in English® is based on accessing metaphors and on describing the physical world, avoiding concepts and notions. It looks pretty seriously at syntax on a comparative basis. It is Anglo-Saxon in essence, not Latinate.
  • The complete course Thinking in English® pour Formateurs will provide you with a set of original techniques to add to your own skills
  • You can see an additional description at                                      

Some reactions to Thinking in English®

« Je me sens plus libre maintenant »

« Cela m’a aidé à comprendre qu’il existe une manière de réfléchir et de parler en anglais »

« C'est enrichissant de savoir que l'anglais peut être facile à utiliser »

« Un angle nouveau d’apprentissage qui facilite l’expression »

“It’s a very original and especially very nice, useful, and joyful way of learning English”

« C'est un nouveau point de vue sur comment utiliser l'anglais »

« C’est la simplification de la construction des phrases »

“I didn't find it easy to say what I improved but I really have improved”

« Je suis moins concentré sur le souci de ne pas faire de fautes »

“I have made a lot of progress and felt comfortable speaking, which is so important”

« Cela donne plus de confiance en soi pour parler »

« C’est un vrai plus pour l'esprit de synthèse


To book your place, please contact

An attendance certificate will be provided to all those participating.

Free for paid-up members of The Language Network.

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