The Language Network Members' Blog

Keeping in touch with our members

Professional Development Workshop 1 - Wednesday 2 February 6.30pm

Professional Development Workshop 1 - Wednesday 2 February 6.30pm

As announced at the Independents' Forum back in December, we are kicking off our series of free-for-members Professional Development Workshops for English Trainers / Language Coaches with this 90-minute online workshop led by Mark Bayhurst.

Date/time : Wednesday 2nd February 2022, 6.30pm, by Zoom

Theme : The Study of Words

Using Statement Analysis/Detection Deception Principles for Second Language Acquisition

''Unlearn the Dulled Listening You've Been Doing Your Entire Life''

  1. Theory
  2. Approaches
  3. Case Studies
  4. Round Table Discussion 

Mark is an American-born English Language Trainer and Coach, with teaching experience in the United States, England and France.  He has wide-ranging expertise using literature (novels/short stories/poetry) to teach English as well as extensive knowledge of coaching approaches and techniques used in personalized project development.  His objective is to work with individuals and groups to improve presentation and oral communication skills while instilling the confidence to succeed.  He specializes in working with top-level managers, executives and CEO's.  Among other pursuits, he also translates, edits manuscripts and does voice-over work.  His qualifications include a Master’s Degree in Literature and a coaching certificate from HEC.  He currently is President of The Language Network.

An attendance certificate will be delivered to those attending.

The number of places is limited.

To reserve your place and receive the Zoom link, write to


We plan to organise at least 5 more of these workshops in 2022 (that's 7.5 hours of the minimum of 10 hours per year required by Training People, for example).

We are relying on our members to volunteer to lead these workshops which should be roughly 45 minutes of presentation and 45 minutes of Q&A and discussion!

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