The Language Network Members' Blog

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AUTOENTREPRENEURS - Know how to find your URSSAF number

We are currently undergoing an URSSAF inspection and the main focus (surprise, surprise!) is our independent trainers!

The lady auditing our dossier is struggling to check declarations because the URSSAF site is apparently bugging!

She has asked for the URSSAF numbers of some of our autoentrepreneurs, which she thinks will help her obtain the information she needs.

The problem is that a lot of autoentrepreneurs aren't aware of having an URSSAF number!

Unhelpfully, this number doesn't appear on the 'attestation de vigilance'.

She explained how to obtain this number:

  • Go to the autoentrepreneur portal where you make your declarations.
  • Go to Mon Compte and then Mes Informations Personnelles.
  • You will find your URSSAF number here.

It would save a lot of hassle for your clients if you could find this number and systematically put in on your invoices.

NB: It is NOT the number given by URSSAF on your certificat d'inscription SIRENE that you receive when you register as an autoentrepreneur. This is only a temporary number!


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