The Language Network Members' Blog

Keeping in touch with our members

Independents' Forum - Winter 2021, Sat. 4th December 10.00-13.00

Independents' Forum - Winter 2021, Sat. 4th December 10.00-13.00

We would like to invite you to our next virtual Independents' Forum meeting on:

Saturday 4th December 2021, 10:00-13:00

Proposed themes for discussion - please feel free to make other suggestions!
1) Going into 2022 - certified or uncertified
We know that some of you will be feeling like the guy at the top of the mountain, having got Qualiopi under your belt and feeling all set for 2022! Some of you may have decided that doing Qualiopi isn't your priority right now and that you would prefer to use the services of another entity instead. Both choices are equally valid!
We are pleased to inform you that our new entity Training People SAS is now Qualiopi certified and will be ready to roll in 2022 for all your CPF & OPCO contracts that you can no longer do on your own.
We will be explaining how those interested can start preparing to join us so as to be able to set up their CPF & OPCO funded training through Training People.
You can already take a peek at our website (see below) and the CPF offer we have up there and on EDOF (the OF side of the Mon Compte Formation website, for those of you who aren't familiar with the acronym).
Once your admin dossier has been approved by Training People, you can consider these courses a 'ready-to-go' CPF offer that you can sell to your clients, albeit with some degree of personalisation - and even at lower/higher prices if you wish.
2) Ongoing professional training opportunities
Due to Qualiopi, we are well aware that we have neglected this area somewhat over the past 6 months.
As you all know, demonstrating regular on-going professional development is a requirement, not only for Qualiopi-certified organisations, but also for any subcontractor working with a certified organisation.
Professional development can of course take many forms. It can mean attending free or paying courses and workshops. It can also mean delivering training or facilitating workshops for other trainers - or even writing articles on themes related to our profession.
To help our members fulfil their annual professional development committment, we'd like to brainstorm this subject with you.
We very much feel that TLN can continue to be a hub for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) via  both internal means (exchanges between members) and external means (bringing in external training providers). As always, TLN will be able to provide the 'attestation' proving your participation in such activities.
So please have a think and we'd like to know 1) what CPD opportunites you could offer other members and 2) what CPD opportunites you would like us to provide.
As usual, this will be an opportunity for us all to hear what is going on in the market.
Looking forward to your ideas and comments, either below or by email!
This event is for paid-up members only. Renewal notices will be sent out soon.
Best regards,
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