2 Juin 2021
WBECS (The World Business and Executive Coach Summit).
I highly recommend you take a look at this year's inspiring line-up of 40+ coaching experts and register for the complimentary Pre-Summit.
They have a brand new Community For Coaches that you'll get instant access to when you register for the Pre-Summit! Since you're on my guest list, you'll also receive an invite to a special session with Organizational Psychologist and Bestselling Author Adam Grant later in the year.
Here is a link to join me: https://rfer.al/qrdtL_CsDbQBl
All sessions are packed with practical value - not sales pitches. You can also join facilitated Implementation Mastery (IM) sessions after the content sessions too, all 100% complimentary!
Recommended by TLN member Seema Doutrelant.