15 Avril 2021
We are pleased to announce - to those who haven't already heard (a number of you have been badgering us for months to know more!) that our new structure, TRAINING PEOPLE SAS, is now up and running, Datadocked and well into the Qualiopi Process.
If anyone would like to receive our pack of documents for independents wishing to run their CPF or OPCO courses through us, either this year because they haven't got Datadock, or next year because they haven't got Qualiopi or don't wish to embark on that adventure, then please contact Claire at claire@thelanguagenetwork.fr.
We have already created our company page on Linkedin - though please note that this page is aimed at clients wanting training, not at trainers wanting to use our services.
NB: We have decided not to do a webinar at this point, but will answer inquiries and questions individually.