19 Avril 2021
As it seems that a number of people are still not aware of the fact that having a training number and being declared with the DIRECCTE is not just linked to working with CPF and OPCO budgets - it's an OBLIGATION.
It is required, even if you are working as a subcontractor to another training organisation if the training is 'formation continue' (funded by an OPCO, CPF etc.)
"Toute personne physique ou morale qui réalise des prestations de formation professionnelle doit déclarer son activité dans les 3 mois suivant la première convention ou le premier contrat de formation conclu. Par la suite, elle doit établir chaque année un bilan pédagogique et financier (BPF) retraçant son activité."
We know that there has been a lot of slackness in this domain, mainly because very few OFs were getting checked up on by the DIRECCTE.
But now we're all in the QUALIOPI quality process we have all got to be seen to be abiding strictly by these rules.
If you once had a number, but lost it for not completing the 'bilan pédagogique et financier', you need to reapply for it.
You can do that with a small 10-hour convention de formation with a company or a contrat de formation with a private individual.
You'll find all the other information in the link.