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Free webinar : Embodiment and Chinese culture - a Workshop for Resiliency

Free webinar : Embodiment and Chinese culture - a Workshop for Resiliency

This little joke was written over 2,000 years ago by a Chinese philosopher, Zhuangzi, who loved to play with words…with the ultimate goal of moving beyond them.

Monday, 19th April 2021, 6.30pm by Zoom

As part of our Professional Development programme, The Language Network invites you to attend this exploratory workshop, delivered by Denis Niedringhaus, a former Chinese and English teacher.

Now a coach working in 3 languages, Denis is aware of “holes” in languages, concepts which are difficult to express for cultural reasons. Like Zhuangzi, he has come to understand the power of silence.

During this complimentary workshop some very basic concepts in traditional Chinese culture will be explained through the stories that these pictograms and ideograms tell.

With over 47,000 Chinese characters to choose from, the focus will be on ones which have a direct connection to our well-being…

Yin / Yang and Qi…  

The approach?  Denis uses the stories which these characters tell…to better explain the fundamentals of traditional Chinese Culture.

So what IS embodiment?  

As the syllable in the middle of this word suggests, it is a process of becoming aware or mindful of what is going on in our bodies.  Focusing our attention on sensation in our bodies and moving away from preoccupations in our heads…has obvious benefits for our psychological well-being.

This workshop will also be an opportunity to experiment with movement and energy…in very simple ways.

Participants will be given the chance to practice a variety of exercises such as Centering, Dāntián breathing, "pulling" Qi and gentle stretching -- simple techniques to restore feelings of balance and strengthen resilience. 

Denis Niedringhaus, an American who has spent most of his adult life in Asia and Europe, has two passions in life…coaching and Chinese culture.  A trilingual leadership coach, he works with the expatriate community in Luxembourg.

Information and enrolments:

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