The Language Network Members' Blog

Keeping in touch with our members

Recording of ILCA Webinar: Why is Coaching important for ELT?

An interesting discussion for those of you who haven't yet added coaching to your skills set.

Has any real development of the ELT industry regarding the role of teachers happened in the past few years? What about change that reflects the changing needs of society which has been escalated by the pandemic? Klaudia Bednarova shares her experience and anecdotal evidence by stressing the importance of true CPD and calling attention to the paradigm shift in focus from being an English teacher to being an English coach. Klaudia is a passionate teacher trainer, language school owner, one of the founding members of the Slovak Chamber of English teachers and the Slovak Association of Language Schools. Her professional interest is in effective learning strategies, which she understands as a broad and complex topic. Klaudia believes that there is ultimately no correct answer, but it is an eclectic and holistic approach that can help us to be more effective teachers and learners.

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