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Does the Fonds de Solidarité still apply to Language Teachers?

Does the Fonds de Solidarité still apply to Language Teachers?

Question from TLN Member Richard Shatz,

Do you know if profession liberal enseignement des Langues étrangères still qualifies for fonds de solidarité for 2021 or loss of CA for 2020 in relation to 2019?

I’ve been looking but the information is extremely confusing (what else?)

I wrote to impôts.gouv so if I get any info I will let you know


Richard says:

"I did find out some info about URSSAF and profession liberal teachers

They are not pulling our February cotisation by automatic transfer but we still owe it. It will have to be done by bank transfer.

If you have any questions on how to do that people can contact me

06 75 57 75 80

I contacted URSSAF and the reason there was no automatic prélèvement is because we are in a special category because of the pandemic so it may mean that we are still eligible for solidarity relief


If anyone has any info about this please put a comment below or answer Richard directly at


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Looked into this myself last week, and the last reference months on the form I've been using to claim 'fonds de solidarity' are November and December 2020 - so I'm assuming that this has either come to a full stop or the government are thinking about the next step!