The Language Network Members' Blog

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Jobs 8th December 2020

Jobs 8th December 2020

ESIEA engineering school based in Ivry-sur-Seine (Metro Pierre et Marie Curie) is looking for experienced and motivated English teachers for lessons in semester 2 on the following dates:

4th years

Wednesdays (English LV1):                       6th Jan, 27th Jan, 3rd Feb, 31st March from 13H00 – 16H15

Wednesdays (Remedial English):             All the above dates from 16H30 – 18H00 plus

                                                                       13th Jan, 20th Jan, 10th Feb, 17th Feb, 3rd March, 10th Match,

17th March from 18H15 – 19H45

4th year apprentices (CFA)

Thursdays (Remedial English)                  7th Jan, 28th Jan, 4th Feb, 1st April from 16H30 – 18H00 plus

                                                                       Other dates to be fixed for lessons from 18H15 – 19H45

The expectation is that the lessons will all be remote using Moodle and Teams.

There will be guidelines for the LV1 lessons and the remedial lessons will need to be based around TOEIC (although not exclusively).

Please send a CV and covering letter to: Jeremy Cocks (

Since ESIEA is an engineering school, no ‘employeur principal’ is necessary.

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