28 Novembre 2020
Nurturing and Promoting the Global Language Coaching Community
This 24 page e-book is filled with the helpful information you need to language coach with confidence. The book will nurture the awareness you have in the learning processes of your learners, You ...
We are reaching out to ask if you are interested in joining an exciting new ILCA project called the International Language Coaching Hub. ILCA (The International Language Coaching Association) is an organisation supporting growth and professional development for teachers, trainers and coaches in the language industry. More at https://internationallanguagecoaching.com/
What is this?
ILCA is partnering with an online platform providing language teaching and coaching services. ILCA will be the sole provider of language coaches to ensure the quality of coaching is up to standard.
The Hub is a language coach pool - when you join, you will be given the chance to work with clients in 4-session blocks etc. - details later.
The hourly rates are competitive and based on the initial agreement we are looking at anywhere up to 40€ for 30 min. Please keep in mind this is a tentative range but we feel it is definitely more than the average for online teaching fees.
As the platform develops the number of coachees will - ideally - grow as well. All this is online, of course, and you will also have onboarding training from the platform provider + an initial coaching demonstration where you will be in coach role, with Gabriella Kovács, co-founder of ILCA to check alignments and to ensure the mutual understanding of what language coaching is. Over time, the number of coachees you work with will grow too, hopefully.
What is needed to join?
Saying yes, plus sending info on languages you coach in + qualifications (ILCA and other) and the country you currently live/work in primarily. Just a 1-page short language training/teaching/coaching related professional background with 2-3 highlights: projects completed, positions you have held, coaching niche/specialization areas, certificates.
Nothing else just yet.
You can also say you are interested, but only from 2021 June etc. so we can count on you & get in touch later. If you are interested, but need more training in language coaching, ILCA runs regular programmes, providing a wide range of training options.
The planned start of this project is January 2021.
Gabriella & Carrie
ILCA co-founders
PS: Do check out our programmes at https://internationallanguagecoaching.com/training-courses