The Language Network Members' Blog

Keeping in touch with our members

Jobs 16th November 2020

Jobs 16th November 2020

1) TLNS is looking for a native French speaker to do a good quality voice recording (which can be done on a phone) of a 2-page text which is a commentary for a corporate video.

Ideally, with some experience of voice work.

Please contact Claire at for more information.

2) TLNS has just signed a contract with a recruitment agency which often recruits candidates for English-speaking companies. Sometimes the candidates need to work on their English.

If this is the case, the agency is going to pass them onto TLNS so that we can offer them training by visio (Zoom) financed by their CPF. The rates have been fixed by the agency.

We will be able to offer teachers a rate of 40€ an hour as an independent OR 26€ brut as a salarié.

We are likely to have quite a few of these contracts starting up in the coming months.

We'd like to hear from our members who would be interested in being part of a group we call upon regularly for these courses.

Please contact Claire at for more information.

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