7 Octobre 2020
The latest Covid-19 measures have pushed a number of higher education establishments in France to implement what they are calling 'hybrid' teaching, with half the group in the classroom with the teacher and the other half connecting to the class from a distance via a Zoom link, for example.
Experiments with hybrid teaching are not new, though they usually involve the use of sophisticated virtual classroom equipment to enable efficient sharing of content as well as easy tracking of the learners' activities.
What teachers here are being asked to do, at extremely short notice, is a huge challenge because they aren't always being given the tools or the training that they need to be able to manage this situation successfully.
We are therefore organising a brainstorming webinar on this subject so that teachers facing this challenge can be helped to find ways to manage it without penalising their students or themselves.
Richard Osborne, whom some of you will remember from our Tech Tools for Language Trainers webinars, will be joining us to share his ideas and experience on the subject.
This event, which will last approximatly 90 minutes, is open to TLN members only and is FREE.
Here is the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89176137978
Secret code: 570014