The Language Network Members' Blog

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Jobs 15th October 2020

Jobs 15th October 2020

1) Online trainer (Zoom) needed for Ecole Supérieure des Transports

We are looking for another trainer to take on a Master 2 Directeur Transport & Logistique English class.

The classes are currently by Zoom, but could go back to 'présentiel' (Paris 8ème - Miromesnil) in the spring when things calm down.

Here are the dates:

Monday 26/10 9h00-12h30 (we could cover for this one if necessary)

Wednesday 25/11 9h00-12h30

Wednesday 16/12 9h00-12h30

Wednesday 27/01 9h00-12h30

Wednesday 24/02 9h00-12h30

Wednesday 24/03 9h00-12h30

Wednesday 28/04 9h00-12h30

Wednesday 19/05 9h00-12h30

Wednesday 23/06 9h00-12h30

Wednesday 7/07 9h00-12h30

And potentially 31/08 9h00-12h30 tbc

The core course content in transport English will be provided. You can also supplement as required.

Status : as an independent without VAT invoicing the school directly, rate: 66€ an hour, paid monthly.

As a salarié via TLNS, 40€ brut per hour including congés payés.

Contact Claire at

2) Seeking two highly-skilled online trainers familiar with the higher education sector.
We are looking for two online trainers who are comfortable with using MS Teams (e.g. breakout rooms, sharing documents, chatbox for feedback, etc.) and very familiar with the higher-education public sector. The client will provide access to MS Teams so there's no need for an account yourself.

The client is a collection of universities and high-level academic institutions in Paris. The trainees are a mix of directors, professors, administrators, lab technicians, and logistics staff members. Therefore, knowledge about French higher-education administration is absolutely required as the trainees are expecting the trainer to help them with their vocabulary and communication needs when speaking to international students and staff. 

Levels, Dates and Times (the trainer needs to be available for all three groups on all 5 dates. These dates cannot be changed.)
Faux-Debutant (about 8 trainees)
Séance 1 : vendredi 13 novembre 9h30 - 11h00 sur MS Teams.
Séance 2 : vendredi 20 novembre 9h30 - 11h00 sur MS Teams.
Séance 3 : vendredi 27 novembre 9h30 - 11h00 sur MS Teams.
Séance 4 : vendredi 4 décembre 9h30 - 11h00 sur MS Teams.
Séance 5 : vendredi 11 décembre 9h30 - 11h00 sur MS Teams.

Intermediate (about 8 trainees)
Séance 1 : vendredi 13 novembre 11h00 - 12h30 sur MS Teams.
Séance 2 : vendredi 20 novembre 11h00 - 12h30 sur MS Teams.
Séance 3 : vendredi 27 novembre 11h00 - 12h30 sur MS Teams.
Séance 4 : vendredi 4 décembre 11h00 - 12h30 sur MS Teams.
Séance 5 : vendredi 11 décembre 11h00 - 12h30 sur MS Teams.

Advanced group (about 8 trainees)

Séance 1 : vendredi 13 novembre 13h00 - 14h30 sur MS Teams.
Séance 2 : vendredi 20 novembre 13h00 - 14h30 sur MS Teams.
Séance 3 : vendredi 27 novembre 13h00 - 14h30 sur MS Teams.
Séance 4 : vendredi 4 décembre 13h00 - 14h30 sur MS Teams.
Séance 5 : vendredi 11 décembre 13h00 - 14h30 sur MS Teams.

What has worked well in the past:

Using a "Livret Stagiaire" with dialogues and resources (we can help you design this Livret to save you time); practicing dialogues for specific higher-education circumstances (we've designed many of these already and they can be provided to the trainer), working with trainees to design their own dialogues specific to their professional context and providing feedback, role plays in break out rooms. The Advanced group highly appreciates debating, role plays, being corrected, giving short presentations. A tailored approach is also much appreciated.

What have trainees complained about in the past:

When the trainer talks too much, when the trainer doesn't use the Livret Stagiare, when the trainer isn't familiar enough with the Higher Education sector.

Hourly Rate and Payment Method

1) Independent Trainers (those with a SIRET number):  You can bill us directly, at the end of the 5 sessions, for €60/hr TTC. We pay via wire transfer within 30 days of receiving your invoice.

2) As a salarié via The Language Network :  The hourly rate will be modified to take into account the various social charges. (around 40€ brut including congés payés)

Please send your CV, in French, to:

It should highlight your experience working with higher-education employees as the client will be looking for exactly this.

We will set up a Zoom meeting for a chat with potential candidates.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Bethany Cagnol
Project Manager for English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI)
+33 6 78 17 12 52

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