7 Octobre 2020
Several dozen members of The Language Network in recent years have made the transition from teacher to coach by integrating professional coaching skills into their work.
New sessions of training will begin soon, with a choice of face-to-face or online training. See details below.
Full financing options available.
A few quotes from previous TLN participants:
This training was absolutely vital for my professional development as a Language Trainer / Consultant. The profession of “Language Trainer” has changed significantly since I started in 1995. The Erickson International Module 1: The Spirit of Coaching arms 21st century Language Trainers with the tools and methods necessary for today’s language learners who are looking for more than just grammar lessons. Erickson International’s Coaching Training provides Language Trainers keys and methods (based on the most recent scientific research) to enter into more effective learning relationships.
The training was adapted to my specific needs as a trainer/consultant by allowing an optimization of the learning process through professional coaching techniques and tools.
Immensely useful to learn new tools for effective communication!...Thank you for this life-changing experience!
L'Art & la Science du Coaching
Vous souhaitez intégrer les compétences du Coaching Professionnel dans votre métier actuel de formateur ?
Le module 1 du programme "L'Art & la Science du Coaching" d'Erickson Coaching, accrédité par l'ICF, va vous permettre d'apprendre les fondements du Coaching Professionnel.
A la fin de ce module, vous aurez acquis la structure et le processus de base ainsi que des outils qui vous permettront d'optimiser les résultats avec vos élèves et vos clients.
Au programme :
Ce programme vous est proposé :
en présentiel : sur 4 jours, du 22 au 25 octobre 2020 à Paris
en distanciel : sur 11 sessions de 3h, du 12 janvier au 16 février.
For further information, please contact:
Mary Kennedy
Coach Erickson certifiée ICF
+(33)1 42 38 04 37