9 Septembre 2020
1) Ecole Supérieure des Transports (Paris-Miromesnil)
Group of about 20, mixed levels, on a Wednesday morning 9h00-12h30
28/10/20, 25/11/20, 16/12/20,
27/01/21, 24/02/21, 24/03/21, 28/04/21, 19/05/21, 23/06/21, 7/07/21, 31/08/21
English for Transport & Logistics.
Programme managed by Claire Oldmeadow. Specific materials provided.
Rate : 66,98€/hour invoicing - monthly payments.
Contact : claire@thelanguagenetwork.fr
2) English vacataires at ESIEE, Cergy
ESIEE Cergy, an engineering school located close to Cergy Prefecture station (http://www.esiee.fr/fr/formations/ingenieur-par-apprentissage/site-cergy), is seeking vacataire English teachers for October 2020 – June 2021. Successful candidates will join our pool for the academic year.
For those unfamiliar with the French vacataire system, these are not career posts but short-term contracts covering a set number of teaching hours and which require a main employer to cover your social security.
You must:
Your teaching skills should include some of the following:
You should have 2 or 3 half-days of availability.
The pay rate is 41 euros/hour before deductions, payment begins month-end +1.
Please reply by email in English, attaching an English CV, and specifying, where possible, which days/times you would be available to Chris Burgess chris.burgess@esiee.fr
3) Université Paris-Nanterre
Le M2 « gouvernance et gestion publique » de l'université Paris-Nanterre recherche un enseignant d'anglais pour assurer 36h annuelles (2 x 18h, ou 12h + 24h) de cours d'oral (préparation aux concours de l'administration et entraînement à la conversation), selon des modalités (présentiel au pôle Léonard de Vinci, Zoom, etc.) à discuter avec son responsable, M. Eric Pezet.
Veuillez écrire à eric.pezet@parisnanterre.fr
4) LEA de Sorbonne Universite
L'UFR LEA de Sorbonne Universite recherche une ou un vacataire pour
assurer un TD de theme grammaire, le mercredi de 8h ?? 10h au centre
Clignancourt, pour un total de 52 heures TD sur l'annee. Les conditions
habituelles de recrutement des vacataires s'appliquent.
Les brochures d'exercices et de textes sont fournies. Les cours
reprennent lundi 14 septembre.
Ecrire a equipe.enseignantsanglaislea@gmail.com
5) Centre de Langues - Université Paris 8
The Centre de Langues at Université Paris 8 is currently searching for teachers to take on one or more English classes for the autumn semester, from September to December 2020. Depending on the public health situation in the autumn, candidates may be asked to teach some classes online.
Classes on offer:
English for Maths and Information Technology (MITSIC) (A2 and B1)
Each class represents 3h per week, for a total of 36h over 12 weeks.
Please note: all candidates must be fully eligible for a vacataire contract - meaning you must fulfil one of the following requirements:
- to be able to provide an attestation of 300h hours/year teaching work from a principal employer (in France) over the entire 2020-21 academic year (if you are working in the private sector, a simple letter from your employer will do; if you are in the public sector, you will need an agreement from your institution called an "autorisation de cumul")
- OR to be able to provide an attestation of 900h non-teaching work over the entire 2020-21 academic year
- OR to be enrolled in a PhD in France over the entire 2020-21 academic year
- OR to have been an auto-entrepreneur for over 3 years before teaching, with tax documents attesting that you have earned at least €9,000/per year during this period.
Please send your CV to Anne-Claire Faucquez: anne-claire.merlin-faucquez@univ-paris8.fr
6) Université Panthéon Assas
L'équipe d'anglais économique de l'Université Panthéon Assas est à la recherche d'enseignant.e.s pour plusieurs TD d'anglais économique en L1 à partir du 28 septembre, sur les campus de Vaugirard 1 ou de Melun. Les TDs durent 1h30, sur 24 semaines au total.
Le nombre d'étudiants est limité à 23. Les supports de cours sont fournis et les collègues seront ravis de vous aider si besoin!
Les créneaux sont pour l'instant les suivants:
A Melun: le mardi après-midi (4 TDde 1h30, entre 13h50 et 20h20); le jeudi après-midi (5 TD de 1h30, répartis entre 13h50 et 18h40). Si besoin, il est encore possible de modifier ces créneaux.
A Vaugirard 1: le vendredi matin, 3 TDs de 7.45 à 12.30.
Pour effectuer ces vacations, il faut soit être fonctionnaire soit disposer d'un emploi principal.
Si vous êtes intéressé.e ou souhaitez plus de renseignements, merci de me contacter par retour de mail ou à l'adresse: fanny.domenec@u-paris2.fr
7) ESIEE-Paris (University of Gustave Eiffel), an engineering school (computer science, electronics) located close to Noisy-Champs station on RER line A and 25 minutes from Châtelet-les Halles, is seeking an English teacher for the first and second semesters of 2020/21.
We are looking for teachers for our expanding E1 English program which is centered around Engineering and Science. Classes take place on Fridays 8am -10am, 10am -12pm, 1pm - 3pm (78 hours per semester), starting Friday the 18th September.
You must:
have work papers
have a TEFL/TESOL teaching qualification or compensatory experience.
have native-speaker level English
have a main employer or have held auto-entrepreneur status for more than two years
Your teaching skills should include some of the following:
-General English in a post-secondary academic environment
-Test preparation (particularly IELTS or TOEIC)
-ESP in the fields of science, technology or business
The pay rate is 43 euros/hour before deductions.
Please reply by email in English, attaching an English CV and brief covering letter. Please reply to francis.glassup@esiee.fr
8) Institut Galilee, Paris 13 University Villetaneuse.
This is a call for two teachers to join our teaching team for the 3rd year Engineer students at the Institut Galilee, which is the engineering school located within Paris 13 University (Paris-Sorbonne Nord) at Villetaneuse.. Teachers need to have an employeur principal or have free-lance status for at least 3 years. The teaching is for a total of 14 classes plus an exam, a total of 42 hours. Classes are on Monday mornings from 8h30-11h45 beginning on September 28th and finishing on February 15th. The teaching hours are paid at the rate of 41 euros per hour. If you are interested, please contact me, Gary Grill by email at the following address : garyandco.paris@wanadoo.fr