Keeping in touch with our members
8 Septembre 2020
English vacataires at ESIEE, Cergy
ESIEE Cergy, an engineering school located close to Cergy Prefecture station (, is seeking vacataire English teachers for April 2020 – June 2020. Successful candidates will join our pool for the academic year.
For those unfamiliar with the French vacataire system, these are not career posts but short-term contracts covering a set number of teaching hours and which require a main employer to cover your social security.
You must:
Your teaching skills should include some of the following:
You should have 2 or 3 half-days of availability.
The pay rate is 43 euros/hour before deductions, payment begins month-end +1.
Please reply by email in English, attaching an English CV, and specifying, where possible, which days/times you would be available to
Chris Burgess