16 Septembre 2020
The Ecole Supérieure des Transports Paris 8ème (Miromesnil) is looking for 2 extra English teachers for classes on a Wednesday morning 9h-12h30.
The dates are as follows:
23/09, 28/10, 25/11, 16/12,
27/01, 24/02, 24/03, 28/04, 19/05, 23/06, 7/07, 31/08
They are Master2 level students - Groups of 20 approx.
The theme is English for Transport & Logistics and the trainers will be provided with lots of industry specific content.
Status : independent without VAT invoicing the school - 66€ / hour
Contact : Claire at claire@thelanguagenetwork.fr
NB: These are face to face lessons, but we need to be ready to switch to Zoom if necessary.