The Language Network Members' Blog

Keeping in touch with our members

Jobs 30th August 2020

Jobs 30th August 2020

TLNS is looking for a trainer for a group of 6 legal support staff at a law firm near Concorde, Paris 1er. Level B2+/C1.

Mondays 12h30-14h00 as of 7th September (or 14th if necessary).

Face-to-face / by Zoom depending on the situation (we'll have confirmation of this during the week). We will be recommending Zoom all the while masks are complusory in companies, but the client will decide.

The rooms are very big in any case, so it won't be at all cramped if it's face to face.

The objectives are mainly to improve speaking, perfect grammar and enrich vocabulary in general.

Some of the students might want to discuss legal themes occasionally.

We are looking at appropriate blended tools at the moment.

Hourly rate: 40€ brut as a salarié OR 60€ invoicing.

Please contact me asap if you can help at


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