The Language Network Members' Blog

Keeping in touch with our members

Which English language information sources are you recommending to your learners?

Which English language information sources are you recommending to your learners?

I'm currently compiling a list of interesting English-language news & discussion websites, online TV channels, YouTube Channels and social media pages for my learners.

There seem to be a lot of new ones popping up as an increasing number of people abandon the corrupt, corporate-sponsored, agenda-pushing mainstream media in search of a balance of viewpoints, interviews with independent experts, real investigative journalism - all the things that our mainstream media seems to have forgotten about.

I would like to be able to recommend to my students sources that help improve their critical thinking skills as well as their English, rather than those which try to tell us what to think on a daily basis. You know the ones I mean!

Please make your suggestions below - or if you can't manage to comment here (Overblog seems to be incompatible with some phone apps and navigators unfortunately) please send me your suggestions by email to



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