The Language Network Members' Blog

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Jobs 27th July 2020

Jobs 27th July 2020

Institut Mines-Télécom Business School is looking for adjunct ESL/EFL teachers for the first semester of 2020-2021. There are openings at four moments during the week:

Monday Morning (8:30am-11:45am)

Monday Afternoon (12:45pm-4:00pm)

Tuesday Afternoon (2:30pm-5:45pm)

Friday Morning (10am-1:15pm)


Classes take place in three-hour long periods, hourly pay is approximately 55 euros, and French working papers are required. Applicants should be ready to deliver lessons via distance learning during the first semester. The campus of the combined Institut Mines-Télécom Business school/Télécom SudParis is located in Evry-Courcouronnes at about a ten-minute walk from the RER D station of the same name. Most classes begin in the second half of September. If interested please send a mail specifying which moment(s) you are free along with your CV to:




This is vacataire status so you need a main employer.


Les candidat.e.s doivent remplir l’une des conditions suivantes :

- Doctorants (dans la limite de 96h)

- Salariés du public (avec autorisation de cumul)  

- Salariés du privé effectuant 900h de travail ou 300h d’enseignement chez un employeur unique

- Auto-entrepreneurs / indépendants

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