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Free webinar organised by ILCA on April 23rd

Free webinar organised by ILCA on April 23rd

ILCA Expert Series 2020 – Thursday 23rd April 4pm UTC
Is silence golden in your classroom? Learn to accept and work with silence. Join us for yet another fabulous free ILCA event with one of our founding members.

Silence in the classroom - ‘holding the space’ with your learners
In this webinar Michelle Hunter will walk you through the 10 components of Nancy Kline’s Thinking Environment into classes, and discuss the responses from students and colleagues to the general concept of staying silent in class. Bringing a Thinking Environment® mindset to the teaching practice has become Michelle’s way of practising language coaching. Through her Barefoot coach training, she discovered these 10 components. Michelle will present how incorporating the principles has added to her teaching practice, both with in-service and pre-service learners.

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