The Language Network Members' Blog

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Tech Tools for English Trainers - Webinar n°6

Tech Tools for English Trainers - Webinar n°6

We are pleased to announce the 6th webinar in our Tech Tools for English Trainers series on Tuesday 19th November from 7-8pm.


Theme : Online resources for language classes

Today the internet is hiving with ESL teachers’ uploaded resources, very often free for other language teachers to use. These can come from big organisations like the BBC and British Council, as much as grassroots teachers, seemingly from the goodness of their hearts. As nice as it seems, how can we filter out the poorly pedagogically designed from the nuggets of gold? 

In this webinar I’ll show you some of my favourite resource sources and how I use them in my online / face-to-face classes. I’ll also be asking participants to tell us about their own favourite digital resources, so come prepared to share!


Here is the link to the recording:


And here is the link to the padlet that Richard showed during the webinar:



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