The Language Network Members' Blog

Keeping in touch with our members

High Performance Team Coaching workshop

High Performance Team Coaching workshop

The next session of Erickson's 'High Performance Team Coaching' with Moëra SAULE, PCC, which will take place on:

Friday November 29 - Sunday December 1, 2019

9:30 - 17:30 

This 3-day program supports participants in taking their offer to the next level, providing team coaching and facilitation skills that may be used both in person and "virtually". 

Upon completion participants will receive:

  •  'The Erickson International Team Coach Certificate'
  • 14 ICF CCEUs (Continuous Coaching Education Units) credits.

Venue: Paris 13e (M° Port Royal, St Jacques)


Cost:   750 euros TTC (special price for TLN members only)


Places limited.


A decision on the language of instruction has not yet been made, although it may well end up being bi-lingual. Materials should be available in both languages.




* Please note that although a special rate has been negotiated for TLN members again this year, the actual invoicing will have to go through Erickson France.


* To avoid paying the normal fee (1800 €), the "dossier d'inscription" attached should be returned by email directly to Mary Kennedy at (Erickson France coordinator for TLN). 


* You will then receive a "devis" from Erickson France at the TLN rate.


See enrolment form and detailed description in the attachments



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