The Language Network Members' Blog

Keeping in touch with our members

Jobs 17th July 2019

Jobs 17th July 2019

TLNS is looking for a trainer for an individual student Paris 15ème, M° Balard with a total of 30h.

He works in marketing and communication for a food supplements / active ingredients company.

He has a good B2 orally, but really wants to be C1 to feel completely at ease with international partners.

He would like ideally 2 x 1h30 per week (has a preference for late morning Tuesday / Thursday but could be flexible).

We can pay independents 52€ / hour or salariés 34.67€ including holiday.

He'll be on holiday from 5th to 26th August and would ideally like at least one session before leaving.

If you might be interested, please contact Claire at

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