The Language Network Members' Blog

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The 11 new OPCO have now been announced

The 11 new OPCO have now been announced

According to an article on the 11 new OPCO will be as follows:

This article also contains a guide to which OPCO a person belongs to.

Some of the well-known names like AGEFOS, OPCALIA and FAFIEC are going to disappear.

See the complete article for more details.

There could still be a bit more movement as the government now has to approve these groupings by the end of June.

As a reminder, the OPCOs have been instructed to  continue handling training dossiers, including CPF, throughout this transitional period.

Presumably we will hear from our usual OPCOs at some point to inform us about the changes.

Here is a link to a useful tool for finding your client's OPCO from Linguaid:



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