The Language Network Members' Blog

Keeping in touch with our members

Datadock is requiring updates!

Datadock is requiring updates!

Even though Datadock is being phased out, we have heard that members who got approved early 2017 are now receiving an email asking them to update their documents within a month of the request or they will be 'unapproved'.

So it looks as if people are being contacted roughly 2 years after they first became eligible.

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PS: here's the confirmation email I got from the Datadock once I validated everything: <br /> Mme <br /> Nous vous remercions d'avoir complété votre déclaration.<br /> Elle sera prochainement examinée afin de vérifier sa complétude et son adéquation aux critères du décret qualité.<br /> Une fois l'examen réalisé, vous serez informé du résultat par email.<br /> Tant qu'un examen n'a pas commencé vous pouvez modifier votre déclaration.<br /> Bien cordialement,<br /> L'équipe Datadock
I received a "reminder" on March 20th, but never got the first request for renewal. Luckily, I had plenty of updated quality control surveys and livret stagiaires to submit. I only had to make small tweaks to the documents I had previously submitted and update my catalogue and prices. So, in about four hours total I was done. Much much easier than the last time. Hope I get approved! I'll keep you posted!